27 July – 2 August

1 August: Pride Picnic – Cancelled

The Pride Picnic in the Park, co-hosted by QPG, GFN, BLOG and other organizations, has been cancelled.

A message by the organizers:

“We are sad to have to announce that we are officially cancelling the Pride Picnic in the Park organised by Queer Pride Groningen, the Groningen Feminist Network, Women’s march Groningen, Black Ladies of Groningen and Amnesty Groningen. After previously postponing it due to terrible weather forecasts, we had a preliminary set date to August 1st 2020, however, most people from the organising groups will not be in Groningen or not be available, which makes organising such an important event extremely difficult. Furthermore Amsterdam Pride is happening on the same day.

We want to be able to provide a great time, as well as a community-focused event, highlighting important voices that are rarely centered. We know that this will not be possible under these circumstances, leading to the decision of cancelling the event.

We are extremely grateful and excited about all the support we have received, and are proud to be part of a community that helps each other out and supports one another. Thank you for all the people who volunteered to help physically, and also to all the people who donated money.

Because of this we also understand that for some this cancellation may be frustrating. We will do our best to be more reliable, and perhaps realistic, with projects we plan so that we can treat the financial support of the community with as much respect as we can.

In regards to the donations, we have decided that we would use the sum to donate to Black Pride NL and Queer Pride Groningen, as they part of the LGBTQIA+ community and organise for and with the community and stand with our shared principles. We give you donors the option to opt out of this and refund the sum you donated. We fully understand that some may want their money back. If that is the case, please message @Groningen Feminist Network who will help you sort it out.

Keep an eye on the Queer Pride Groningen page for upcoming events in August and September, we hope to see you there!

Be safe and have a nice summer!

Queer Pride Groningen
Groningen Feminist Network
Women’s March Groningen
Amnesty International Groningen
Black Ladies of Groningen”

For more information, please check the Facebook-event.

20-26 July 20

22 July, 20:00-22:00
GFN Weekly Meeting

During this COVID-19 pandemic, recolonization has been taking place right under our noses, though many of us failed to recognize it. The Dutch government is currently making an attempt to regain full control over former colonies in exchange for financial support.

This Wednesday, Emerson, a speaker who is also from Curaçao, will educate us on what led to the current financial crisis on the island, political turmoil in Curaçao, recolonization at the hands of the Dutch, and the future of the island.

Let us not remain uninformed while the government in this country is taking advantage of former colonies. Join us this Wednesday at 8pm!

More Infos on Facebook!

13-19 July

15 July, 20:00-22:00
GFN Documentary Screening: “Yes, We Fuck!” (2015)

We watch the documentary on Vimeo, subtitles are provided in various languages (https://vimeo.com/123177395). After a tea break, we discuss the documentary via Google Meet, link to be posted nearer the time. The documentary is in Spanish but Vimeo provides various subtitling options in different languages.

CW: graphic sex scenes, 18+, NSFW, one person’s partner uses ableist and patriarchal language, some people’s parents use ableist language about their children, mention of forced sterilization.
More info on facebook.

17 July, 18:00-20:00
GFN Book Club July – Green Grass, Running Water (Thomas King)

Let’s (virtually) get together and discuss our thoughts, questions and insights. Don’t worry if you don’t manage to finish the book. Our meetings are open to everyone, you don’t have to be a member. We will meet on Jitsi.
For more information, please visit facebook.

Coming up soon

1 August, 17:30-21:00
Pride Picnic in the Park: In Solidarity with BIPOC Lives.
More info on facebook.